2 Cor 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in your weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weakness, because when I am weak then you are strong.
This verse has been ringing between my ears for the past couple of days. I started comparing my typical prayers of "give me strength, make me bold, help me love" to guys like Moses who "needed more boldness", David "who wasn't old enough", Sampson "who wasn't strong enough", Peter "who doubted", and Gideon "whose army wasn't big enough".
I noticed a similarity between these guys. Every one of them had a major weakness, but are known for epic things that resulted from those weaknesses. God has a way of taking what we see as weakness and making them into the most significant periods of our lives. Our weaknesses allow God to show off His strength. It minimizes our tendancy to steal God's glory, and maximizes His right to receive the all of glory He deserves.
Instead of asking for our weak areas to disappear, maybe we should thank God for them because they make a golden opportunity for Him to put His power on display.