Saturday, April 2, 2011

God is da Man

Some of the coolest comments come out when people are just sitting around shooting straight with each other without fear of getting looked at funny. Thursday night a group of friends and I were sitting around chewing on a thick passage of scripture when out of the blue one of my buddies screams "God is da man"! As a first response everyone rolled on the floor laughing, probably for good reason, but afterward I got to thinking about the impact of that comment.

What would it look like if we approached our faith with a "God is da man" mentality?

I feel that Paul had the same mindset when he addressed Corinth in 1Corinthians by saying "For I resolve to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified". I wonder if "Jesus Christ and him crucified" is good enough to float our proverbial boats today. If that statement was all that we had to hold on to would our faith hold up or unravel completely?

I have a knack to try and understand everything about most situations before I make a move. Seems to be a common problem among almost everyone today. Faith on the other hand doesn't work that way... Faith is like saying "God is da man" and that's all I need to know! Now don't hear me saying that knowledge of Christ is unnecessary, because the transformation of our minds is what causes us to take on a Christlike image. But when everything is stripped away the only thing that seems to matter is "Christ and him crucified".

Let's just say we've got two people standing at the base of a mountain. The first guy looks at the mountain and starts formulating the amount of man power and dynamite he needs to make it move. The second simply looks at the mountain and says "I don't know how it's going to happen, but God said you'd move". Which is more likely to see the mountain take a swan dive into the ocean?

I wonder whose faith is stronger... The man who has to know all the angles before he acts, or the man that banks everything on the thought that "God said, and he's da man".

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